Austin Toastmasters: The Greatest Toastmasters Club in the Known Universe!
***No Meeting to be held 06/18/24 due to banquet***
We meet every Tuesday at 6:15pm at below location:
LCRA Red Bud Center - 3601 Lake Austin Blvd, Austin, TX 78703
Guests are welcome to drop in and attend
meetings without notice
Competent Communication manual and Competent Leadership manual are the basic
Toastmasters manuals for prepared speeches and meeting roles.
Advanced Communication series enhances your speaking skills.
Advanced Leadership series refines your leadership skills.
External websites: Toastmasters International, District 55, famous speeches, grammar, and quotes
Documents: meeting agenda, meeting role instructions, running the banquet, by-laws, and library.
Competent Communication Manual Speeches
The basic Toastmasters manual, with 10 speech projects, is designed to develop your speaking skills one step at a time. Each speech builds upon what you have learned in the preceding speeches.
1. Icebreaker (4 to 6 minutes)
Getting over nervousness by introducing yourself to the club.
2. Organize Your Speech (5 to 7 minutes)
Work on giving a well-organized speech by building an outline that includes an opening, body and conclusion.
3. Get to the Point (5 to 7 minutes)
State the purpose to your speech as soon as possible and support the purpose with main points.
4. How to Say It (5 to 7 minutes)
This project calls on you to work with gestures and body language during your speech; to develop a sense of timing and natural, smooth body movement, and explore the different ways of using body language.
5. Your Body Speaks (5 to 7 minutes)
In this project you will learn how to work with stance, movement, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact to enhance believability, confidence and emphasize the point you are making.
6. Vocal Variety (5 to 7 minutes)
Work on rate of delivery, volume, speed, pitch, emphasis, etc., to explore the use of these tools as assets to your speaking.
7. Research Your Topic (5 to 7 minutes)
The goal of this project is to learn how to make your speech more effective supporting your main points with statistics, testimony, stories, anecdotes, examples, visual aids, and facts.
8. Get Comfortable with Visual Aids (5 to 7 minutes)
In this project you will learn how to effectively use props in your presentations.
9. Persuade with Power (5 to 7 minutes)
The goal of this speech is to present a talk that persuades the audience to accept your proposal or viewpoint by appealing to the audience's self-interest, building a logical foundation for agreement, and arousing emotional commitment to your cause.
10. Inspire Your Audience (8 to 10 minutes)
The final speech in the manual calls on you to move and inspire your audience in a well-presented and well-prepared speech.
Our club offers effective evaluations to learn from, and experienced members to help you along the way.
Competent Leadership Manual
Leaders need to speak well and communicate succinctly.
While developing your skills with prepared speeches may be the most common reason for joining Toastmasters, we offer leadership development as well. The first level of achievement in the Leadership track is Competent Leadership recognition, which you complete while serving in various club meeting roles. There are other significant leadership roles such as hosting meetings, serving as a club officer, chairing the annual banquet committee, and being a contest chairperson.
At our club meeting, find a member to give you written feedback on a leadership project in the Competent Leadership (CL) manual. When you complete the manual, you are eligible for Competent Leader (CL) recognition.
To guide you towards your leadership goals, the Competent Leader (CL) manual has various projects:
1. Listening and Leadership
Listening is an important leadership skill that enables you to acquire information, identify and clarify issues, make decisions, and resolve conflict. Listening skills also play a major role in team building, You can learn to be a better listener by following a few simple suggestions.
2. Critical Thinking
A leader gathering information, then analyzes, interprets, and understands it before acting. Critical thinkers question what they read and hear. Then they determine the quality of piece of information and use logical reasoning to reach conclusions. Critical thinkers make better decisions.
3. Giving Feedback
Team members need to know what they are doing well, that they are not doing well, and how they can improve. Giving performance feedback is a necessary leadership function. When done properly, feedback can relieve stress, improve interpersonal relationship, and promote trust and respect for leaders and team members.
4. Time Management
Time management helps leaders make the most of the time available to them. You can budget your time and accomplish projects and tasks efficiently by identifying long- and short- term goals, making a daily to-do list, prioritizing the list, making a schedule and delegating when possible, leaving time for unexpected tasks, and managing interruptions.
5. Planning and Implementation
A plan provides direction for the leader and the team. The planning process involves setting goals and objectives, and preparing plans and schedules to accomplish them. The process forces leaders to look beyond their everyday activities and think about what they want to happen in the future. Involving team members in the process encourages commitment.
6. Organizing and Delegating
Leaders must ensure the team is organized enough to accomplish its goals and objectives, and provide the structure in which the team operates. Delegation plays a major role. A good leader performs functions that only he has the knowledge and authority to perform, delegating all other tasks to team members.
7. Developing Your Facilitation Skills
A facilitator’s primary job is to make the team’s job easier. More specifically, a facilitator guides discussions among group members and manages and resolves conflicts. Conflicts are not unusual any time two or more people are required to work together and good facilitation skills can help the group reach a resolution.
8. Motivation
A motivated team overcomes obstacles of all types to achieve its goals. A leader creates and maintains an environment where team members are likely to become motivated. Leaders uncover what motivates team members; then they develop reward systems that match hat team members value. They also look for ways to reward team members for doing the right things.
9. Mentoring
A mentor recognizes an individual who has less experience, cultivates her potential and talents, and helps her succeed. Leaders are mentors. You can be a mentor be offering opportunities for skill development – pointing out areas needing improvement, providing helpful advice, being a role model, and encouraging the person to think for herself.
10. Team Building
Teams offer great benefits. Team members have a variety of knowledge and skills, which results in more creativity and greater productivity. When a good team is in place, a leader has more time to devote to leadership issues. Team members must be carefully chosen, trained, and encouraged to openly discuss issues.
Just as Toastmasters acknowledges achievement in speaking with the Communication (CC) track, the Leadership track provides more opportunities to improve your skills as a speaker.
Advanced Communication
The Advanced Communication series enables you to refine your speaking skills. Choose the advanced manuals and speeches you want to complete, and the skills you want to work on.
The advanced communication series has different levels of recognition with different requirements:
Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB)
Achieved Competent Communicator award (or achieved Competent Toastmaster)
Completed two advanced communication manuals
Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS)
Achieved Advanced Communicator Bronze award (or Able Toastmaster or Advanced Toastmaster Bronze)
Completed two additional advanced communication manuals
Conducted any two presentations from The Better Speaker Series and/or The Successful Club Series
Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG)
Achieved Advanced Communicator Silver award (or Able Toastmaster Bronze or Advanced Toastmaster Silver)
Completed two additional advanced communication manuals
Conducted a presentation from the Success/Leadership Series, Success/Communication Series or a Youth Leadership program
Coached a new member with the first three speech projects
Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)
The Distinguished Toastmaster award is the highest our organization bestows and it recognizes both communication and leadership skills. To be eligible for the award a member must have:
Achieved Advanced Communicator Gold award (or achieved Advanced Toastmaster Gold award)
Achieved Advanced Leader Silver award (or achieved Advanced Leader award)
Choose from 15 Advanced Communication manuals with five speech projects each:
The Entertaining Speaker
This manual includes valuable information on how to give an entertaining speech, using resources for entertainment, make them laugh, dramatic talk, and presenting an after-dinner speech.
Speaking To Inform
The projects in this manual will help you give informative and interesting speeches. Topics covered include the speech to inform, resources for informing, demonstration talk, the fact-finding report, and the abstract concept.
Public Relations
This complete guide to preparing and delivering the public relations speech will help you develop resources and techniques, "speak under fire," and handle the media.
The Discussion Leader
This manual offers guidance in presenting workshop and conference presentations. Role-playing and problem-solving sessions are also covered. This manual is a must for managers, trainers, teachers and administrators.
Specialty Speeches
Speakers must be able to speak in many different situations, and this manual will help. Types of speeches include impromptu talks, preparing inspirational speeches, selling a product, reading out loud, and introducing a speaker.
Speeches By Management
The lack of effective communication at management level is a major source of problems in business and organizations today. After completing The Briefing, The Technical speech, Manage and Motivate, The Status Report and Confrontation: The Adversary Relationship, you'll be better equipped to encourage and influence others.
The Professional Speaker
This manual is a complete guide to becoming a professional speaker. Subjects covered include speaking as a company representative and paid speaking engagements.
Technical Presentations
The projects in this manual will help you prepare and present briefings, proposals, technical papers and technical team presentations.
Advanced Leadership
The Advanced Leadership series enables you to further develop your leadership skills by serving in leadership roles at the club and district levels. There are two levels of advanced leadership recognition:
Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB)
Achieved new Competent Leader award.
Achieved Competent Communicator award (or Competent Toastmaster award).
Served at least six months as a club officer (president, vice president education, vice president membership, vice president public relations, secretary, treasurer or sergeant at arms) and participated in the preparation of a Club Success Plan while serving in this office.
While serving in the above office, participated in a district-sponsored club officer training program.
Conducted any two presentations from The Successful Club Series and/or The Leadership Excellence Series.
Advanced Leader Silver (ALS)
Achieved Advanced Leader Bronze award (or "old" Competent Leader award).
Served a complete term as a district leader (district governor, lieutenant governor, public relations officer, secretary, treasurer, division governor or area governor). A complete term is defined as having served at least from September 1 through June 30.
Completed the High Performance Leadership program*.
Served successfully as a club sponsor, mentor or coach.
*High Performance Leadership
High Performance Leadership (HPL) program features five projects, which offer instruction and practice in such vital leadership areas as developing a vision, goal-setting and planning, developing plans and strategies, and team-building. The HPL program may be completed within your Toastmasters club, area or district, or even a project related to the needs within your community such as your company, church, an association or professional group, or another organization. Your activities cannot be represented as endorsed by Toastmasters International.
Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)
The Distinguished Toastmaster award is the highest our organization bestows and it recognizes both communication and leadership skills. To be eligible for the award a member must have:
Achieved Advanced Communicator Gold award (or achieved Advanced Toastmaster Gold award).
Achieved Advanced Leader Silver award (or achieved Advanced Leader award).
Austin Toastmasters provides a great opportunity to follow the wonderful club leaders, and members who are serving as leaders within the wider district.