Austin Toastmasters: The Greatest Toastmasters Club in the Known Universe!
We meet every Tuesday at 6:15pm at the
LCRA Red Bud Center - 3601 Lake Austin Blvd, Austin, TX 78703
Guests are welcome to drop in and attend
meetings without notice
These websites help Toastmasters, teachers, students, managers, and others to improve the way they speak, listen, and communicate. Communicating requires subject knowledge, know-how, and the wisdom that comes with experience.
Don't forget the valuable resources in our club's library!
Toastmasters Websites
Toastmasters District 55 (our club is in this district)
Great Speeches
Gifts of Speech (women's speeches from around the world)
History Channel (search for speeches on different topics, different times)
Fortunes (randomly displays quotes)
Speaking and Presentation Skills
Resources & References
Avalon Project (historical documents)
- (literature, reference and verse)
Neologisms (new words)
Word Assault (look up words using multiple dictionaries and references)
Grammar & Style Guides
Guide to Grammar and Style (Rutgers University)
Guide to Grammar and Writing (Capital Community College)
Associations & Groups
Nonbiased or Stereotyped Language
Appropriate Language (Purdue Online Writing Lab)
Guidelines for Non-Sexist Language (Keene State College)
Guidelines for the Use of Nonsexist Language (University of New Hampshire