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Advanced Communication


The Advanced Communication series enables you to refine your speaking skills. Choose the advanced manuals and speeches you want to complete, and the skills you want to work on.


The advanced communication series has different levels of recognition with different requirements:


Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB)


  • Achieved Competent Communicator award (or achieved Competent Toastmaster)

  • Completed two advanced communication manuals


Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS)


  • Achieved Advanced Communicator Bronze award (or Able Toastmaster or Advanced Toastmaster Bronze)

  • Completed two additional advanced communication manuals

  • Conducted any two presentations from The Better Speaker Series and/or The Successful Club Series


Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG)


  • Achieved Advanced Communicator Silver award (or Able Toastmaster Bronze or Advanced Toastmaster Silver)

  • Completed two additional advanced communication manuals

  • Conducted a presentation from the Success/Leadership Series, Success/Communication Series or a Youth Leadership program

  • Coached a new member with the first three speech projects


Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)
The Distinguished Toastmaster award is the highest our organization bestows and it recognizes both communication and leadership skills. To be eligible for the award a member must have:

  •     Achieved Advanced Communicator Gold award (or achieved Advanced Toastmaster Gold award)

  •     Achieved Advanced Leader Silver award (or achieved Advanced Leader award)

Choose from 15 Advanced Communication manuals with five speech projects each:


The Entertaining Speaker
This manual includes valuable information on how to give an entertaining speech, using resources for entertainment, make them laugh, dramatic talk, and presenting an after-dinner speech.


Speaking To Inform
The projects in this manual will help you give informative and interesting speeches. Topics covered include the speech to inform, resources for informing, demonstration talk, the fact-finding report, and the abstract concept.


Public Relations
This complete guide to preparing and delivering the public relations speech will help you develop resources and techniques, "speak under fire," and handle the media.


The Discussion Leader
This manual offers guidance in presenting workshop and conference presentations. Role-playing and problem-solving sessions are also covered. This manual is a must for managers, trainers, teachers and administrators.


Specialty Speeches
Speakers must be able to speak in many different situations, and this manual will help. Types of speeches include impromptu talks, preparing inspirational speeches, selling a product, reading out loud, and introducing a speaker.


Speeches By Management
The lack of effective communication at management level is a major source of problems in business and organizations today. After completing The Briefing, The Technical speech, Manage and Motivate, The Status Report and Confrontation: The Adversary Relationship, you'll be better equipped to encourage and influence others.


The Professional Speaker
This manual is a complete guide to becoming a professional speaker. Subjects covered include speaking as a company representative and paid speaking engagements.


Technical Presentations 
The projects in this manual will help you prepare and present briefings, proposals, technical papers and technical team presentations.

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